As an organization, hosting conference can be a bit hectic as finding the right tools or systems handle all aspects of the conference from start to finish seems almost impossible. If your organization ever find itself in similar situations, do not panic, contact us to help make sure conference hosting a success, just as we have done for Africa Academy of Management (AFAM).
We implemented an open-source solution that allowed AFAM to:
- create a conference Web site
- compose and send a call for papers
- electronically accept paper and abstract submissions
- allow paper submitters to edit their work
- post conference proceedings and papers in a searchable format
- post, if you wish, the original data sets
- register participants
- integrate post-conference online discussions
- Utilize an e-mail template system
- Support multiple languages with localization files
As an organization, hosting conference can be a bit hectic as finding the right tools or systems handle all aspects of the conference from start to finish seems almost impossible. If your organization ever find itself in similar situations, do not panic, contact us to help make sure conference hosting a success, just as we have done for Africa Academy of Management (AFAM).
We implemented an open-source solution that allowed AFAM to: