Error message

Warning: unlink(sites/all/modules/tm_follow/css/tm_follow.css): Permission denied in drupal_unlink() (line 2282 of /home/cyber247/public_html/includes/

Current Projects

Elasticsearch Implementation

One of our recent projects was to install all of the components of the Elastic Stack, which includes Filebeat, a Beat used for forwarding and centralizing logs and files, and configuring them to gather and visualize system logs.

Website Maintenance & Updates

Your website may already be attractive, engaging and optimized for search engines, but you don't want to have to worry about maintaining its reputation yourself. We understand! At 247 Cyber Solutions, we can take care of website maintenance for you, so that you don't have to worry about keeping your site engaged and optimized. We provide web maintenance services which can:

Conference Submission System

As an organization, hosting conference can be a bit hectic as finding the right tools or systems handle all aspects of the conference from start to finish seems almost impossible. If your organization ever find itself in similar situations, do not panic, contact us to help make sure conference hosting a success, just as we have done for Africa Academy of Management (AFAM).

We implemented an open-source solution that allowed AFAM to: